How to return a product on OPLA DESIGN?


  1. Log in to our site and select the item you wish to return by submitting: product name / product image
  2. Please specify the reason for the return and give us more details to help us identify the problem with the product
  3. Select your preferred recovery method
  4. Choose the perfect return process: send the item back to one of the eligible delivery points
  5. Verify your information and submit your return request via WhatsApp
  • Refund processed
  • Once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and process your refund within 3-7 days to your preferred refund method.
  • Drop off items or schedule a pickup
  • Place the item in its original packaging, including any accessories, tags, tags, or gifts.
  • It is recommended that you save the original carton and packing materials for smooth and easy returns.
  • Enjoy a return and refund policy
  • You can return all eligible items within 7 days
  • If a specified period of 7 days has passed since the product reached you, it is not accepted.

    I submitted my return request. What happens next?

    • Once your return request has been submitted, it will generally be processed as follows:
    • The item you wish to return will be collected by OPLA DESIGN according to the return method you have chosen.
    • Once collected, the item is checked by our quality control team to validate your return request and ensure that the return conditions (including packaging compliance status with product description, etc. ) have been met. If your return request is refused, you will receive a communication to this effect and your item will be sent back to your original delivery address.
    • If your return request is validated, our reimbursement deadlines will be as follows:
    • If you paid using cash on delivery: your refund will be initiated within 2-5 days of your item being collected/dropped off and you will receive a communication from Jumia to this effect. Once initiated, your refund will be visible in the bank account you provided when creating the return within 3-7 days
    • You will receive regular email/SMS updates informing you of the status of your application